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70 Years Ago in Stoke - 1952

Were you there? How about your parents? Grandparents? Get in touch with any memories and photos - wherever you were living.
Lano Coward was the vicar at the time, and he must have had a telephone at the vicarage. He heard the news that the King had died and rode round the village on his bicycle spreading the word. In Stoke, as all over the country, the Royal Couple had endeared themselves to people during the war. There was genuine grief at the loss of a King who had stood by his people during hard times.

Reverend Lano Coward
Please look out your old photos. Where did the Sunday School Trip go that year? Do you remember the opening of the Playing fields? And how about the Coronation celebrations the following year. Harry Badge set up two TVs in the school. Wherever you were living, did anyone you know have a TV?

Stoke's Post Office as it was in 1952. And also a photo of Harry Chedzoy's delivery van, a 4 wheel drive 'Overlander', outside the shop in the Square. The view is across the Royal Oak garden to Willey Road.
By 1952, tractors were taking over from horses on the farm. This Fordson belonged to Clifford House of Dykes Farm. His son David (Rt) was taught to drive it by Don Boon (L) There were 44 farms in Stoke in 1952. Most of them had milk collected from the churn - daily. See more HERE

Edgar Benjamin Alderson, took over as Headmaster from John Burrows in 1952. During his first year, a trainee teacher produced a report on what she had found out about the village whilst she had been at the school. See more HERE

Rex and June? Champion with their father and his contribution to the Coronation celebrations the following year

And, finally, the Square as it was way back then
As always, more photos please -